Is Granite Cookware Better than Ceramic?

Is Granite Cookware Better than Ceramic

We’ve mentioned ceramic cookware a lot on Chef’s Pick. There are scores of cookware articles showing our favourite ceramic cookware and all the info you need to buy the best. However, we haven’t explored granite cookware too much.

So, in this cooking article, we’re exploring granite cookware and whether it is better or worse than ceramic cookware.

First, though, as granite cookware is relatively rare in our kitchens, let’s take a look at what this cookware is and why it differs from other types of non-stick pans shall?


What Is Granite Cookware?

Despite the name, granite cookware is not actually made from granite. Instead, it is named after its appearance.

The granite-like surface is a porcelain enamel layer that offers some non-stick qualities. Granite cookware can be made from a variety of based materials. However, aluminium and carbon steel are the most common.

The metal that these pots and pans are made from does play into how responsive they are to cook with.

The porcelain enamel layer is nice and smooth, so this cookware does have good non-stick properties. It is also inert, so you can cook acidic food in these pans, and there will be no reaction. This coating also doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals.


Granite vs. Ceramic Cookware

Granite vs. Ceramic Cookware

Granite cookware seems great, but so does ceramic cookware. So, which one should you choose? Well, there are cheap examples of both types of cookware that will likely last a similar amount of time.

If you invest a bit more in quality granite cookware, it will likely last a few years longer than ceramic cookware.

Both surfaces are easy to scratch

You shouldn’t use metal utensils with either granite or ceramic. You should also be careful when cleaning both with materials harsh cleaning pads and cleaning utensils.

Ceramic has better non-stick properties

Granite cookware is not as non-stick as ceramic, and this can frustrate cooks who are used to non-stick pans. Both coatings can chip, and you may find these chips in your food. This is a common issue with all non-stick coatings, though.

Granite can be used in the oven

Granite can be used to higher temperatures than ceramic. So, it is perfect for transferring into the oven if that is something you do a lot. It is also a lot lighter than Le Creuset, and other enamel-coated cast iron cookware.



Granite cookware is quite comparable to ceramic cookware, though both have their drawbacks. In general, you can’t use ceramic cookware in the oven.

With granite, the coating isn’t as non-stick as some ceramic coatings. Both types of cookware, though, have good options in terms of price.

Ultimately, the best cookware for you out of these two options depends on what you want to do.

If you really want amazing quality non-stick properties (for cooking eggs and omelettes, for example), ceramic is a good option. If you transfer a lot of stuff to the oven, granite cookware is the best option.

We hope this look at granite cookware and ceramic cookware has helped you choose your next pans. For more info about both types of cookware, please explore Chef’s Pick further. We have all the best cookware in the UK right here.